Average Daily Income Rankings from 1950 to 2024

This chart displays the rankings of average daily income by country from 1950 to 2024. Over this period, the chart illustrates changes in economic growth and living standards through daily income levels, providing a snapshot of how economies have developed and income disparities have evolved. It visually represents the position of each country within the global economy and highlights shifts in economic power and wealth distribution.

Average daily income: Refers to the average amount of money an individual earns in a day. It varies based on a country's economic conditions, industrial structure, labor market characteristics, and other factors, serving as a critical indicator of the average standard of living for its citizens.


  1. Brunei : $ 81.10
  2. United States : $ 30.40
  3. Switzerland : $ 28.70
  4. Australia : $ 21.50
  5. Canada : $ 19.80
  6. Luxembourg : $ 19.20
  7. Denmark : $ 19.10
  8. New Zealand : $ 18.90
  9. The Bahamas : $ 15.20
  10. Netherlands : $ 15.00
  11. United Kingdom : $ 14.40


  1. Brunei : $ 154.00
  2. United Arab Emirates : $ 129.00
  3. Qatar : $ 111.00
  4. Switzerland : $ 72.90
  5. Saudi Arabia : $ 54.90
  6. Andorra : $ 52.70
  7. United States : $ 50.50
  8. Kuwait : $ 49.90
  9. San Marino : $ 47.10
  10. Canada : $ 45.30
  11. Australia : $ 37.60
  12. United Kingdom : $ 25.00


  1. Qatar : $ 120.00
  2. Singapore : $ 92.50
  3. Luxembourg : $ 78.40
  4. Switzerland : $ 74.20
  5. San Marino : $ 71.40
  6. Brunei : $ 69.30
  7. United States : $ 68.60
  8. Andorra : $ 66.50
  9. United Arab Emirates : $ 63.50
  10. Norway : $ 63.30
  11. Australia : $ 61.10
  12. United Kingdom : $ 52.10


  1. Singapore : $ 131.00
  2. Qatar : $ 114.00
  3. Luxembourg : $ 93.90
  4. United States : $ 91.40
  5. United Arab Emirates : $ 84.70
  6. Switzerland : $ 79.50
  7. Norway : $ 78.90
  8. Monaco : $ 77.10
  9. Ireland : $ 73.80
  10. Austria : $ 71.70
  11. Australia : $ 67.50
  12. United Kingdom : $ 61.70

National Rankings
Asia & Oceania
South America
North America
Southeast Asia
Population Pyramid
Real Estate
Science & Technology
Continent Rankings
Countries with the Highest Government Expenditure as a Percentage of GDP in 2023

Countries with the Highest Government Expenditure as a Percentage of GDP in 2023

This chart highlights the countries with the highest government spending as a percentage of their GDP in 2023. Tuvalu ranks at the top with government expenditure exceeding its GDP, followed by Nauru and Kiribati. The chart provides insights into nations with significant fiscal activity relative to their economic size.