Countries Most Visited by Tourists

This chart ranks countries based on the number of tourists they receive. It offers insights into the most popular destinations for travelers, reflecting global travel trends and highlighting countries that are major attractions for international tourism.

Tourist arrivals refer to the number of visitors who travel to a country other than that in which they have their usual residence, but outside their usual environment, for a period not exceeding 12 months and whose main purpose is other than an activity remunerated from within the place visited.


  1. France : 60M 33Kpeople (60,033,000people)
  2. United States : 43M 318Kpeople (43,318,000people)
  3. Spain : 32M 971Kpeople (32,971,000people)
  4. Italy : 31M 52Kpeople (31,052,000people)
  5. United Kingdom : 21M 719Kpeople (21,719,000people)
  6. Mexico : 20M 241Kpeople (20,241,000people)
  7. China : 20M 34Kpeople (20,034,000people)
  8. Poland : 19M 215Kpeople (19,215,000people)
  9. Austria : 17M 173Kpeople (17,173,000people)
  10. Canada : 16M 932Kpeople (16,932,000people)
  11. Australia : 0person


  1. France : 77M 190Kpeople (77,190,000people)
  2. United States : 51M 238Kpeople (51,238,000people)
  3. Spain : 46M 403Kpeople (46,403,000people)
  4. Italy : 41M 181Kpeople (41,181,000people)
  5. China : 31M 229Kpeople (31,229,000people)
  6. United Kingdom : 23M 212Kpeople (23,212,000people)
  7. Mexico : 20M 641Kpeople (20,641,000people)
  8. Canada : 19M 627Kpeople (19,627,000people)
  9. Germany : 18M 983Kpeople (18,983,000people)
  10. Austria : 17M 982Kpeople (17,982,000people)
  11. Australia : 4M 530Kpeople (4,530,000people)


  1. France : 74M 988Kpeople (74,988,000people)
  2. Spain : 55M 914Kpeople (55,914,000people)
  3. United States : 49M 206Kpeople (49,206,000people)
  4. China : 46M 809Kpeople (46,809,000people)
  5. Italy : 36M 513Kpeople (36,513,000people)
  6. United Kingdom : 28M 39Kpeople (28,039,000people)
  7. Mexico : 21M 915Kpeople (21,915,000people)
  8. Germany : 21M 500Kpeople (21,500,000people)
  9. Turkey : 20M 273Kpeople (20,273,000people)
  10. Austria : 19M 952Kpeople (19,952,000people)
  11. Australia : 5M 20Kpeople (5,020,000people)


  1. France : 76M 647Kpeople (76,647,000people)
  2. United States : 60M 10Kpeople (60,010,000people)
  3. China : 55M 664Kpeople (55,664,000people)
  4. Spain : 52M 677Kpeople (52,677,000people)
  5. Italy : 43M 626Kpeople (43,626,000people)
  6. Turkey : 31M 364Kpeople (31,364,000people)
  7. United Kingdom : 28M 911Kpeople (28,911,000people)
  8. Germany : 26M 875Kpeople (26,875,000people)
  9. Malaysia : 24M 577Kpeople (24,577,000people)
  10. Mexico : 23M 290Kpeople (23,290,000people)
  11. Australia : 0person


  1. France : 84M 452Kpeople (84,452,000people)
  2. United States : 77M 774Kpeople (77,774,000people)
  3. Spain : 68M 175Kpeople (68,175,000people)
  4. China : 56M 886Kpeople (56,886,000people)
  5. Italy : 50M 732Kpeople (50,732,000people)
  6. Turkey : 39M 478Kpeople (39,478,000people)
  7. United Kingdom : 35M 149Kpeople (35,149,000people)
  8. Germany : 34M 970Kpeople (34,970,000people)
  9. Mexico : 32M 93Kpeople (32,093,000people)
  10. Thailand : 29M 923Kpeople (29,923,000people)
  11. Australia : 0person


  1. France : 48M 395Kpeople (48,395,000people)
  2. Mexico : 31M 860Kpeople (31,860,000people)
  3. Spain : 31M 181Kpeople (31,181,000people)
  4. Turkey : 29M 925Kpeople (29,925,000people)
  5. Italy : 26M 888Kpeople (26,888,000people)
  6. United States : 22M 100Kpeople (22,100,000people)
  7. Greece : 14M 705Kpeople (14,705,000people)
  8. Austria : 12M 728Kpeople (12,728,000people)
  9. Germany : 11M 688Kpeople (11,688,000people)
  10. United Arab Emirates : 11M 479Kpeople (11,479,000people)
  11. United Kingdom : 6M 287Kpeople (6,287,000people)
  12. Australia : 0person

National Rankings
Asia & Oceania
South America
North America
Southeast Asia
Population Pyramid
Real Estate
Science & Technology
Continent Rankings
Countries with the Highest Government Expenditure as a Percentage of GDP in 2023

Countries with the Highest Government Expenditure as a Percentage of GDP in 2023

This chart highlights the countries with the highest government spending as a percentage of their GDP in 2023. Tuvalu ranks at the top with government expenditure exceeding its GDP, followed by Nauru and Kiribati. The chart provides insights into nations with significant fiscal activity relative to their economic size.