FIFA Rankings in Asia from 1992 to December 2023

This chart displays the FIFA rankings of Asian national football teams from 1992 to December 2023. It illustrates the performance trajectory of Asian teams in international football over more than three decades. The rankings highlight the progress, decline, and overall dynamics of football skills and competitiveness among Asian national teams. FIFA rankings serve as a barometer for gauging the international performance and stature of football teams on the Asian continent.

FIFA rankings are the monthly published rankings of national football teams by the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), based on the performance of the teams in international matches. These rankings are particularly significant for Asian teams, reflecting their standing in international football and their progression over time.

1992. 12.

  1. Australia : 29pts
  2. South Korea : 28pts
  3. Saudi Arabia : 28pts
  4. Qatar : 27pts
  5. China : 26pts
  6. United Arab Emirates : 25pts
  7. Iran : 24pts
  8. Japan : 22pts
  9. Kuwait : 21pts
  10. Thailand : 18pts

2000. 01.

  1. Saudi Arabia : 556pts
  2. Iran : 535pts
  3. South Korea : 522pts
  4. United Arab Emirates : 515pts
  5. Uzbekistan : 513pts
  6. Japan : 500pts
  7. Thailand : 492pts
  8. Iraq : 440pts
  9. Kuwait : 428pts
  10. China : 412pts
  11. Australia : 410pts

2010. 02.

  1. Australia : 857pts
  2. Japan : 729pts
  3. South Korea : 634pts
  4. Saudi Arabia : 538pts
  5. Bahrain : 530pts
  6. Iran : 499pts
  7. Uzbekistan : 431pts
  8. North Korea : 378pts
  9. Iraq : 375pts
  10. China : 373pts

2020. 02.

  1. Japan : 1,500pts
  2. Iran : 1,489pts
  3. South Korea : 1,464pts
  4. Australia : 1,457pts
  5. Qatar : 1,396pts
  6. Saudi Arabia : 1,351pts
  7. Iraq : 1,344pts
  8. United Arab Emirates : 1,334pts
  9. China : 1,323pts
  10. Syria : 1,314pts

2023. 09.

  1. Japan : 1,605pts
  2. Iran : 1,561pts
  3. South Korea : 1,533pts
  4. Australia : 1,532pts
  5. Saudi Arabia : 1,413pts
  6. Qatar : 1,396pts
  7. Iraq : 1,347pts
  8. United Arab Emirates : 1,342pts
  9. Oman : 1,334pts
  10. Uzbekistan : 1,328pts

National Rankings
Asia & Oceania
South America
North America
Southeast Asia
Population Pyramid
Real Estate
Science & Technology
Continent Rankings
Pre-Tax Salary Rankings of Asian Countries

Pre-Tax Salary Rankings of Asian Countries

This chart shows the ranking of Asian countries based on their average monthly pre-tax salaries. Leading the list is Singapore, where employees earn an average monthly pre-tax salary of $5,460, followed by Qatar and Israel at $4,533 and $3,695, respectively. The data illustrates a wide salary range across the region, with Southeast Asian nations like Indonesia displaying significantly lower average pre-tax incomes compared to East Asia and the Gulf countries.