20All Quiet on the Western Front52M 100K19Black Crab53M 900K18My Name Is Vendetta56M 400K17Blood Red Sky60M 900K16AKA60M 900K15Through My Window61M 100K14The Platform82M 800K13Nowhere85M 700K12Society of the Snow94M 400K11Troll103M10Extraction135M 700K9Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery136M 300K8The Mother136M 400K7We Can Be Heroes137M 300K6The Gray Man139M 300K5Leave the World Behind143M 400K4Bird Box157M 400K3The Adam Project157M 600K2Don't Look Up171M 400K1Red Notice230M 900K
20All Quiet on the Western Front52M 100K19Black Crab53M 900K18My Name Is Vendetta56M 400K17Blood Red Sky60M 900K16AKA60M 900K15Through My Window61M 100K14The Platform82M 800K13Nowhere85M 700K12Society of the Snow94M 400K11Troll103M10Extraction135M 700K9Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery136M 300K8The Mother136M 400K7We Can Be Heroes137M 300K6The Gray Man139M 300K5Leave the World Behind143M 400K4Bird Box157M 400K3The Adam Project157M 600K2Don't Look Up171M 400K1Red Notice230M 900K

Most Watched Movies on Netflix in the First 3 Months After Release

This chart displays the movies that were the most watched on Netflix within the first three months of their release. Analyzing viewership data during this period allows us to identify which films captured the attention of audiences worldwide. This data reflects Netflix's viewership ratings and audience preferences, highlighting the films that garnered especially high interest across various genres and styles.

Netflix: A global streaming platform that offers a wide array of genres including movies, TV series, and documentaries. Subscribers pay a monthly fee for unlimited access to content.
  1. Red Notice : 230M 900K (230,900,000)
  2. Don't Look Up : 171M 400K (171,400,000)
  3. The Adam Project : 157M 600K (157,600,000)
  4. Bird Box : 157M 400K (157,400,000)
  5. Leave the World Behind : 143M 400K (143,400,000)
  6. The Gray Man : 139M 300K (139,300,000)
  7. We Can Be Heroes : 137M 300K (137,300,000)
  8. The Mother : 136M 400K (136,400,000)
  9. Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery : 136M 300K (136,300,000)
  10. Extraction : 135M 700K (135,700,000)
1Red Notice454M 200Khrs230M 900K2Don't Look Up408M 600Khrs171M 400K3The Adam Project281Mhrs157M 600K4Bird Box325M 300Khrs157M 400K5Leave the World Behind339M 300Khrs143M 400K6The Gray Man299M 500Khrs139M 300K7We Can Be Heroes231M 200Khrs137M 300K8The Mother265M 900Khrs136M 400K9Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery320M 300Khrs136M 300K10Extraction266M 900Khrs135M 700K11Troll178M 600Khrs103M12Society of the Snow229M 800Khrs94M 400K13Nowhere155M 600Khrs85M 700K14The Platform129M 700Khrs82M 800K15Through My Window116Mhrs61M 100K16AKA125M 900Khrs60M 900K

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Most Watched Movies on Netflix in the First 3 Months After Release

Most Watched Movies on Netflix in the First 3 Months After Release

This chart displays the movies that were the most watched on Netflix within the first three months of their release. Analyzing viewership data during this period allows us to identify which films captured the attention of audiences worldwide. This data reflects Netflix's viewership ratings and audience preferences, highlighting the films that garnered especially high interest across various genres and styles.