European Real Estate Price Index by Country, 2009 to 2024

This chart shows the real estate price index of various European countries from 2009 to 2024. It allows for a comparison of how many years of work are needed to purchase a home in each country. By observing the overall price trends and differences between countries, we can understand the dynamics of the real estate market.

The real estate price index indicates the change in real estate prices over a specific period. It also reflects how many years of average income would be needed to save up to buy a home. This index plays a crucial role in assessing the state of the real estate market and the economic situation.

January 2009

  • 1. Romania : 30.3
  • 2. Latvia : 27.1
  • 3. Ukraine : 24.1
  • 4. Poland : 23.9
  • 5. Russia : 23.7
  • 6. Lithuania : 22.5
  • 7. Bulgaria : 15.9
  • 7. Serbia : 15.9
  • 9. Slovenia : 15.2
  • 10. Slovakia : 15.1
  • 12. United Kingdom : 14.7

January 2024

  • 1. Serbia : 16.8
  • 2. Russia : 16.1
  • 3. Ukraine : 15.0
  • 4. North Macedonia : 14.8
  • 5. Slovakia : 14.5
  • 6. Albania : 14.1
  • 7. Hungary : 13.8
  • 8. Belarus : 13.7
  • 9. Greece : 13.6
  • 10. Croatia : 13.4
  • 28. United Kingdom : 9.9

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Countries with the Highest Government Expenditure as a Percentage of GDP in 2023

Countries with the Highest Government Expenditure as a Percentage of GDP in 2023

This chart highlights the countries with the highest government spending as a percentage of their GDP in 2023. Tuvalu ranks at the top with government expenditure exceeding its GDP, followed by Nauru and Kiribati. The chart provides insights into nations with significant fiscal activity relative to their economic size.