1Japan1,6142Iran1,6083South Korea1,5664Australia1,5555Qatar1,4996Saudi Arabia1,4417Iraq1,4098Uzbekistan1,3779United Arab Emirates1,35610Jordan1,34411Oman1,30812Bahrain1,29713China1,27414Syria1,26615State of Palestine1,2271,3001,3501,4001,4501,5001,5501,600
1Japan1,6142Iran1,6083South Korea1,5664Australia1,5555Qatar1,4996Saudi Arabia1,4417Iraq1,4098Uzbekistan1,3779United Arab Emirates1,35610Jordan1,34411Oman1,30812Bahrain1,29713China1,27414Syria1,26615State of Palestine1,2271,3001,3501,4001,4501,5001,5501,600

Asian FIFA Rankings (2000 to February 2024)

This chart displays the FIFA ranking changes of Asian countries from 2000 to February 2024. Over this period, the rankings reflect the performance of the national football teams belonging to the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) on the international stage, providing a key indicator of the competitiveness and development level of football in Asia. FIFA rankings are determined based on the outcomes of international matches, ranking national teams according to their performance in competitions and friendly matches.

FIFA rankings: A system used by the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) to rank national football teams based on their game results. These rankings consider various factors, including match outcomes, the importance of the competitions, and the strength of the opposing teams, serving as a key indicator of current global football competitiveness.


  1. Saudi Arabia : 556pts
  2. Iran : 535pts
  3. South Korea : 522pts
  4. United Arab Emirates : 515pts
  5. Uzbekistan : 513pts
  6. Japan : 500pts
  7. Thailand : 492pts
  8. Iraq : 440pts
  9. Kuwait : 428pts
  10. China : 412pts
  11. Australia : 410pts


  1. Australia : 857pts
  2. Japan : 729pts
  3. South Korea : 634pts
  4. Saudi Arabia : 538pts
  5. Bahrain : 530pts
  6. Iran : 499pts
  7. Uzbekistan : 431pts
  8. North Korea : 378pts
  9. Iraq : 375pts
  10. China : 373pts


  1. Japan : 1,500pts
  2. Iran : 1,489pts
  3. South Korea : 1,464pts
  4. Australia : 1,457pts
  5. Qatar : 1,396pts
  6. Saudi Arabia : 1,351pts
  7. Iraq : 1,344pts
  8. United Arab Emirates : 1,334pts
  9. China : 1,323pts
  10. Syria : 1,314pts


  1. Japan : 1,614pts
  2. Iran : 1,608pts
  3. South Korea : 1,566pts
  4. Australia : 1,555pts
  5. Qatar : 1,499pts
  6. Saudi Arabia : 1,441pts
  7. Iraq : 1,409pts
  8. Uzbekistan : 1,377pts
  9. United Arab Emirates : 1,356pts
  10. Jordan : 1,344pts
1Japan18ranks1,614pts2Iran20ranks1,608pts3South Korea22ranks1,566pts4Australia23ranks1,555pts5Qatar37ranks1,499pts6Saudi Arabia53ranks1,441pts7Iraq59ranks1,409pts8Uzbekistan66ranks1,377pts9United Arab Emirates69ranks1,356pts10Jordan70ranks1,344pts11Oman80ranks1,308pts12Bahrain82ranks1,297pts13China88ranks1,274pts14Syria89ranks1,266pts15State of Palestine97ranks1,227pts16Tajikistan99ranks1,219pts

National Rankings
Asia & Oceania
North America
Southeast Asia
Population Pyramid
Science & Technology
Cumulative Scoring Rankings in Europe's Top 5 Leagues (2003/04 to 2022/23)

Cumulative Scoring Rankings in Europe's Top 5 Leagues (2003/04 to 2022/23)

This chart shows the ranking of players with the most goals in Europe's top 5 football leagues (Premier League, La Liga, Bundesliga, Serie A, Ligue 1) from the 2013/14 season to the 2022/23 season. This period serves as an important indicator of each player's scoring ability and consistency, with a high number of goals signifying superior offensive performance across Europe's elite football leagues. The chart provides insight into the top scorers in European football and their goal-scoring trends over this time.